StaR in An auTuMn's niTe...
sHimMeriNg of sTars in tHe niTe skY...bRinG my hAnd fOrwArD..tRyinG tO rEacH thEm...n wOndEriNg...wiLL i bE abLe to hOLd tHeM iN mY hAnD...?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
the weather now is so cool n nice, while d sky is cloudy too. it's best if i were able to continue sleeping. But too bad, i can't. Haiz...i'm going out to give tution soon, in abt 15 mins time. There's no outing w my gang today as every1 is busying w their tutorials,even for myself. Ganbatte to all! =)
Friday, January 26, 2007
It has already been a week since i update my bloggy. If not for 'naggings' frm my awesome frens (refering to my tagboard), i supposed i will not even bother to do anything to my blog any sooner. haaz...
Haiz...i'm starting to feel d pressure in sch. Tonnes of never-ending readings n presentations r haunting me. It's even worse to see some others have adequate understanding on d readings when i don't even know wat's d hell is going on. Is it because i'm incapable or is it because d readings r simply too abstract? I canot stop questioning abt d abilities of myself. Help...i'm feeling so intimidated n demoralised. "shoo...! shoo...! negative thots n emotions,off u go!!!!" argh.......
Haiz...i'm starting to feel d pressure in sch. Tonnes of never-ending readings n presentations r haunting me. It's even worse to see some others have adequate understanding on d readings when i don't even know wat's d hell is going on. Is it because i'm incapable or is it because d readings r simply too abstract? I canot stop questioning abt d abilities of myself. Help...i'm feeling so intimidated n demoralised. "shoo...! shoo...! negative thots n emotions,off u go!!!!" argh.......
Friday, January 19, 2007
I'm pissed off again!
I was so pissed off jus now... n still is now! Not becoz of my comp, but my WONDERFUL & ANGELIC students! After i walked all d way frm yis mrt to their hse after sch today, their maid told me they wld not b back frm sch until ard 4pm! That's 1.5 hrs more to wait be4 my watch struck 4. I couldn't possibly waste my precious time there n by the time i finished tution, it wld b really late. So i went home instead. Haiz...i'm really mad at them for being so irresponsible.Yesterday night, i msg tellin them i wld reach their place at 2.30pm but they didn't even bother to inform me tt they were unable to make it on time! Or even they only knew it today, they should hav call me since they were able to call home to tell their maid rite? Really don't know wat d kids r thinking nowadays............i give up!
PS: i "nearly" got a heatstroke from d scorcing n glaring sun! haa...i'll make sure they'll get it frm me tml! heh...
PS: i "nearly" got a heatstroke from d scorcing n glaring sun! haa...i'll make sure they'll get it frm me tml! heh...
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I'm so pissed off! my whole page of updating was erased!!!!!!
argh! not tt i did not blog, it's all the windows fault!
argh! not tt i did not blog, it's all the windows fault!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Pure and trusting. You are a gentle soul who can get along with just about anyone. Everyone you meet instantly falls in love with you. How can they resist? You have a pure, lovable nature that' s irresistable. Just don't trust everyone who comes across your path. true is this? hmm....hahaz...
Monday, January 08, 2007
填补我部分的 空虚和唤醒我部分麻木的心。
填补我部分的 空虚和唤醒我部分麻木的心。
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Tall guys/petite girls?
I headed to Orchard yesterday after after tuition. Guess wat?! i saw quite a handful of tall guys w petite girlfriends. Btw, i hav been seeing this trend/phenomena many time at various occasions. There was this couple whereby their difference in height was so great tt i couldn't resist myself to look at them. According to my estimation, the guys is abt 190cm while his gf is ard 140cm. See the difference? No wonder it's so difficult for some of d tall girls to find tall tall guys usually like petite girls? Isit becoz they look defenceless, so tall guys feel tt there is an obligation to protect them? or isit becoz they look cuter n more demure? I'm standing at 169cm u i'm quite curious abt it...can any guys share w me their perspective on this? thank u.
Fun evening at starbucks!

jhui, ailing n me! didn't really get to take more pics...this was taken while waiting for d rest of d girls to arrive.
I really enjoyed myself a whole lot w my sec sch girls frens at yishun Starbucks yesterday! They were jiahui, jiayin, ailing, shang, cc n jiabi...though jiabi is guy to b exact! haha! We were at our full blast. or should i say we were d noisiest customers there? *guilty look* As usual, i was d 1st to reach. Actually, i was already at northpoint at ard 5.15pm n i waited till 7pm. Our chatting session lasted for a abt 4 hrs! haha...i wondered, did we really had so many topics to chat abt? =p
Love ya girls! =)
Monday, January 01, 2007
HAPPY 2007 to all !
Qb, andy n i went to Plaza Singapura (PS) to watch Fast Food Nation before meeting up w seet, ek, van, agnes n ben for the new yr count down at esplanade yesterday.
Since we still had lots of time to spare after d movie, we decided to travel by foot frm Dhouby Ghaut to City Hall. On d way, qb was craving for tau huay! Jus like pregnant women craving for food..jus kidding, no offence ah...=x haaz... Oh ya, i mus thank qb for treating me a bowl of tau huay. n i mus say it was really really tasty! it's so white, soft n smooth! An especially wonderful desert for ladies who wan their skin fair, smooth n soft! =)
Soon we met up w d rest of out gang n headed to Changing Appetite at Marina Sq for our dinner. Due to d earlier tau huay, i was to full to hav any dinner, so i skipped it.
and again, we still hav abt 4 hrs to kill before d count down. So we wandered ard Marina Sq be4 goin to d bridge opposite esplanade. A place situated to get d best view of d fireworks. We stood for 2.5 hrs till our watch stroke 12 midnight! My legs were sore! I had leg cramp while squeezing within d crowd to catch d last train. It was no joke loh...damn crowded n v stuffy. i almst suffocated. There were quite a no. of banglas too, so we were extremely cautious of our safety.
When we reached seet's place, it was alr 3am! we bought a bottle of vodka each n some food to fill our hungry stomaches. I bought a 8% alcohol rashberry vodka which i thot was rather fragrant. Having finished my vodka within 30 mins, my face felt hot n very red! hm, like baboon's ass? lol...However, i wasn't feelin dizzy or floaty. Just numb. I was still clear headed n having conversation w my frens, though i was craving for d urge to b drunk once...haaz...
Btw, i only slept at 8am this morning.
PS: I wan to thank all my frens who share my sadness n happiness, ups n downs w me in d yr 2006! n i will treasure each n every1 of u more in this new yr becoz u guys play a big role in this plain n dull routined life my mine. U guys make it meaningful n colourful. =) May peace, harmony, happiness n good health be blessed upon my family and all of us! =)
Since we still had lots of time to spare after d movie, we decided to travel by foot frm Dhouby Ghaut to City Hall. On d way, qb was craving for tau huay! Jus like pregnant women craving for food..jus kidding, no offence ah...=x haaz... Oh ya, i mus thank qb for treating me a bowl of tau huay. n i mus say it was really really tasty! it's so white, soft n smooth! An especially wonderful desert for ladies who wan their skin fair, smooth n soft! =)
Soon we met up w d rest of out gang n headed to Changing Appetite at Marina Sq for our dinner. Due to d earlier tau huay, i was to full to hav any dinner, so i skipped it.
and again, we still hav abt 4 hrs to kill before d count down. So we wandered ard Marina Sq be4 goin to d bridge opposite esplanade. A place situated to get d best view of d fireworks. We stood for 2.5 hrs till our watch stroke 12 midnight! My legs were sore! I had leg cramp while squeezing within d crowd to catch d last train. It was no joke loh...damn crowded n v stuffy. i almst suffocated. There were quite a no. of banglas too, so we were extremely cautious of our safety.
When we reached seet's place, it was alr 3am! we bought a bottle of vodka each n some food to fill our hungry stomaches. I bought a 8% alcohol rashberry vodka which i thot was rather fragrant. Having finished my vodka within 30 mins, my face felt hot n very red! hm, like baboon's ass? lol...However, i wasn't feelin dizzy or floaty. Just numb. I was still clear headed n having conversation w my frens, though i was craving for d urge to b drunk once...haaz...
Btw, i only slept at 8am this morning.
PS: I wan to thank all my frens who share my sadness n happiness, ups n downs w me in d yr 2006! n i will treasure each n every1 of u more in this new yr becoz u guys play a big role in this plain n dull routined life my mine. U guys make it meaningful n colourful. =) May peace, harmony, happiness n good health be blessed upon my family and all of us! =)