Yesterday Ching, Esther, Van and I went to attend NTU's GIP (Global Immersion Programme) talk. What i noticed was most of the options are catered to Business and Engineering students. HSS students like us are quite deprived of choices. Sian...
Anyways, I was so happy to see all 3 of them. Especially Esther and Ching, because it had been almost 2 moths since i last saw them. That was long. At least i get to see my beloved bernie aka Van almost every week. =)
After the 2 hours talk session, off we went to Arab Street to have our long awaited Egyptian food! heh heh... Below were some of our cam-whoring photos. Enjoy... haha...
PS: Girls, just tell me when r u free for me to send you all the pics. =)

Esther, me, Ching and Van.
This picture was taken by a real kind lady. Btw, i thought she was a tourist or maybe we did look like tourists to her since we were takinglots of photos. She even asked us where were we from and Esther told her we were from NTU! muahahaz...

Ching likes this pink building alot!

Focus on Van's expression...Hahahaz...interesting~~~~

Van, me and Ching.
Van, me and esther.
Thinking...thinking...thinking... we are intellectuals...LOL.

I heart this pic best man!!! It's hilarious!

This is the famous Egyptian restaurant with one of their staff.

oh look! someone ALMOST got kissed! hahaz... That's for camera effect. The staff was trying to be friendly... but i think they were over friendly, maybe that was their culture?
The menu.

I forgot what was this called...but it was some kind of Egyptian salad.

Some mixed meat platter.

Wedges! They were delicious! And it was highly recommended. =)

Makan-ing time! yeah!

Random pic of a letter box. Just find it rather fascinating.