Saturday night with gang!
I had so much fun yesterday with my friends' company. Seet, agnes, qb, ben and I meet up to go to town. Our first stop was Heeren. We shopped for a while before we proceeded to Cineleisure to have a look at the sports stuffs and to have our dinner. Then we decided to go for some drinks at Harry's pub in Esplanade. The pub has a romantic and cosy ambience. Their live band and singers were great. It really a coincidence that they played and sang my all time favourite songs - 'Fly me to the moon' and 'this masquerde'. =)
Cards games are not allowed at Harry's. It was such a pity because qb brought a stack of magiong cards! We were bored to death, so qb suggested a game called 'future game'. Which means, somebody has to ask a question regarding te future. For example, 'Who do you think will be the wealthiest in the future?' Whoever gets the most vote will do forfeit. In this case, our forfeit was 'truth of dare'. I think we were the loudest there ba. Haha..I really could not stop myself from laughing like a mad woman!
There was once seet was asked to challenge a dare. Qb dared her to tell one of the waiter that he was good-looking and i really admired her guts. She did it without hesitation! But of course, most of the waiters there were good-looking and cute. so i guess it wasn't too difficult for seet ba since she was not telling lies mah.. hehez.. so funny!
Andy came to join us at a later time. That was why he was missing in most of the photos except for the last two.
Hm...time passes so fast. It has already been 5 days after some painful incident. However, i have been handling it well with the support from my friends. They have shown me so much care and concern. Our bond is so much closer now. Muackz!
OMG! what were agnes and qb doing? Was agnes trying to help qb to clear his nostrils?!! AHAHA! They looked so hilarious, espeacially qb! =p
Qb and seet! Don't you think they have the sibling's look? ( we were having dinner at the Cineleisure foodcourt.)
me, agnes and ben! look at ben's unnatural expression...haha...
Opps! I was trying to steal a kiss from agnes and was caught on camera by seet! *shy*
Agnes and Seet!
Me and seet!
Agnes and I at Takashimaya!
We were waiting for our beloved andy...he took so long to reach Harry's pub!
Seet and ben acting retarted? Hahaz... i supposed the wedges were too delicious for them to self contained their behaviour! LOL..
(left to right) Ben's - rose wine, qb's - he's feeling unwell so can't drink alcohol, seet's - rum, mine - vokha, agnes's - gin. All these alcohol beverages have fancy names, but i forgot about them. =X
Formal shot at the lobby of Esplanade.
Candid shot!
Cards games are not allowed at Harry's. It was such a pity because qb brought a stack of magiong cards! We were bored to death, so qb suggested a game called 'future game'. Which means, somebody has to ask a question regarding te future. For example, 'Who do you think will be the wealthiest in the future?' Whoever gets the most vote will do forfeit. In this case, our forfeit was 'truth of dare'. I think we were the loudest there ba. Haha..I really could not stop myself from laughing like a mad woman!
There was once seet was asked to challenge a dare. Qb dared her to tell one of the waiter that he was good-looking and i really admired her guts. She did it without hesitation! But of course, most of the waiters there were good-looking and cute. so i guess it wasn't too difficult for seet ba since she was not telling lies mah.. hehez.. so funny!
Andy came to join us at a later time. That was why he was missing in most of the photos except for the last two.
Hm...time passes so fast. It has already been 5 days after some painful incident. However, i have been handling it well with the support from my friends. They have shown me so much care and concern. Our bond is so much closer now. Muackz!
OMG! what were agnes and qb doing? Was agnes trying to help qb to clear his nostrils?!! AHAHA! They looked so hilarious, espeacially qb! =p
Qb and seet! Don't you think they have the sibling's look? ( we were having dinner at the Cineleisure foodcourt.)
me, agnes and ben! look at ben's unnatural expression...haha...
Opps! I was trying to steal a kiss from agnes and was caught on camera by seet! *shy*
Agnes and Seet!
Me and seet!
Agnes and I at Takashimaya!
We were waiting for our beloved andy...he took so long to reach Harry's pub!
Seet and ben acting retarted? Hahaz... i supposed the wedges were too delicious for them to self contained their behaviour! LOL..
(left to right) Ben's - rose wine, qb's - he's feeling unwell so can't drink alcohol, seet's - rum, mine - vokha, agnes's - gin. All these alcohol beverages have fancy names, but i forgot about them. =X
Formal shot at the lobby of Esplanade.
Candid shot!
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