
face="Monotype Corsiva"
color="#3366FF">Your Beauty liesin Serenity. Calm, inspiring, and nearly always
level-headed. You have apeaceful appearance, people know they can trust you
and come to you for advice.You probably have a soothing and beautiful voice to
match you and you are seenas a mature, motherly figure. You don't show much
emotion which may make youappear emotionless and distant at times, but you
are most likely a veryempathetic individual. You keep your head in bad
situations and are calm even ingood ones. You probably wear more flowing clothing
in light pastel colors andone of your most beautiful feature is your smooth
and young face. Some peoplemay even be inspired simply by your presence, you
would make a great mediator ornegotiator as people know they can trust and count
on you for a peacefulsolution.
face="Monotype Corsiva"
color="#3366FF">Some ThingsThat Represent You:
face="Monotype Corsiva"
color="#3366FF">Element:Water, Wind Animal: Swan Color:
Blues, Greens, Pastels Song:Only Time by Enya Expression: Reassuring
face="Monotype Corsiva"
color="#3366FF">Gemstone:Amethyst Mythological Creature: Elfin Kind
Sign:Aquarius Planet: Neptune Hair Color: Light Blonde Eye Color:Blue
face="Monotype Corsiva"
color="#3366FF">Quote: "Peace and trust take years to build and
seconds to shatter."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Amazing Pictures And Ten Detailed Results::.. All Fixed!
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